Partnerships & Collaborations

The Office of Disease Prevention (ODP) works with colleagues across the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and with other public and private organizations to identify research gaps, offer guidance about prevention-related research priorities, and coordinate prevention research projects, workshops, and conferences. Below is a list of our major partnerships and collaborations.

Collaborations at NIH

NIH Prevention Research Coordinating Committee (PRCC)
The PRCC provides a broad perspective on the current state-of-the-science and disseminates information about prevention-related activities to NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs). This committee also plans and implements collaborative activities across the NIH and advises the ODP Director regarding scientific, programmatic, and policy issues. The PRCC is coordinated by ODP.

Prevention Scientific Interest Groups (SIGs)
Coordinated by ODP, the Prevention SIGs develop collaborative research initiatives to address unmet prevention research needs. They focus on areas where there are no existing collaborative NIH-wide or federal groups.

Tobacco and Nicotine Research Interest Group (TANRIG)
The goal of TANRIG is to increase collaboration, coordination, and communication of tobacco- and nicotine-related research across the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. An ODP staff member serves as the co-chair of the group, and several members of ODP provide input on TANRIG activities.

Pathways to Prevention (P2P) Workshops
ODP sponsors the P2P workshops. These workshops identify research gaps and methodological and scientific weaknesses in a selected scientific area, suggest research needs, and move the field forward through an unbiased, evidence‐based assessment. We partner with NIH ICs that have identified a research need and serve as an organizational liaison between the ICs and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to get a systematic evidence review that's used as the basis of the workshop.

Federal Partnerships

Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF)
The CPSTF is an independent, nonfederal, unpaid panel of public health and prevention experts that provides evidence-based findings and recommendations about community preventive services, programs, and policies to improve health. Task Force members are appointed by the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ODP is an official liaison member and works to make sure that CPSTF recommendations represent the views, concerns, and needs of the NIH and our constituents. ODP staff also serve on, or recommend NIH scientists to serve on, systematic review teams, and help translate CPSTF recommendations into action.

Health and Housing Resources

Read our publication on our portfolio analysis of NIH, HUD, and CDC's health and housing projects. 

Explore the HUD data dashboard, a collaborative effort of the group.

Health and Housing Group 
The Health and Housing Group includes representatives from across the NIH, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Members share their agencies’ interests, activities, and resources in health and housing research. The group identifies research gaps and collaborates to advance health and housing research. The group also hosts seminars on various topics, fosters conversations across the federal government, and presents at conferences on health and housing. For more information, contact Jacqueline Lloyd or Elizabeth Vogt at

Healthy People
Led by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Healthy People provides science-based, 10-year national objectives for improving the health of all Americans. ODP provides advice on Healthy People activities, and our staff serves on the Federal Interagency Workgroup, the principal advisory body for the development of the Healthy People initiative. ODP also maintains a centralized list of Healthy People 2030 Research Objectives to help investigators identify research needs, focus on key priority populations, and develop evidence-based intervention.

PhenX Tobacco Working Group
The PhenX toolkit is a collection of measures for phenotypes and exposures, which includes standardized measures related to tobacco regulatory research. ODP staff led the effort to identify these measures through a consensus-based process with feedback from the scientific community.

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)
Coordinated by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the USPSTF is an independent, volunteer panel of national experts that makes evidence-based recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screening, counseling, and preventive medications. ODP provides scientific input on draft research plans, draft evidence reviews, and clinical practice guidelines. We also disseminate information about high-priority evidence gaps for clinical preventive services identified by the USPSTF.


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